The concept of farming has greatly evolved over a period of time. There are several different fields of farming. It is not just limits to crop farming but the rearing and breeding of different animals for commercial and profitable businesses. THE BHUMIKA ANIMAL BREEDER FARM WHICH WAS FOUNDED IN THE YEAR 2010 IS “A SUCCESS STORY” WHICH PROVES BEYOND DOUBT THAT “ANIMAL FARMING IN INDIA IS INDEED A REWARDING VENTURE”. This company is “THE BRAIN CHILD” OF MR. KAMLESH KUSHWAHA; who with his astute business sense, efficiency, and extensive knowledge of Animals and Poultry Farming has successfully managed in a short timespan to make it one of the leading Animal and Poultry Farm in Madhya Pradesh.
Animal Breeder Farming in India is one of the most sought after businesses in our country. Previously animal farming was limited to just dairy and poultry farming but now the trends of animal breeding and rearing has taken on an equally important role of farming of various different species of animals and birds.
The general opinion among people was that it was the farmers who reared cows, buffaloes and poultry as a business to supply meat; eggs; hides: wool etc. Animal Breeder Farming in India was limited mostly in rural areas. It has been one of the great sources of enhancing the rural economy and many government schemes have supported and encouraged the farmers in their ventures. In recent times Animal Breeder Farming in India has progressed by leaps and bounds with many people taking up the farming: breeding: rearing of different species of animals as it is playing an essential role in the changing world.
Though Animal Breeder Farming in India is considered to be easy venture as it does not require much effort in rearing and breeding animals: but taking it up as a business venture is indeed “Serious Business”. Changes in environment space acquirement; weather condition; health and hygiene; market demands; long-term investments; choice of animals to farm are just some of the vital points to be kept in mind for breeding and rearing of different species of animals. The importance of taking all these measures with absolute precision comes from the need of farming animals of various kind that can be susceptible to simple changes of even the weather.
In contrast we see animals like the Rabbit which are quite hardy and adaptable animals. Rabbits were mainly kept as pets. But now Rabbit Farming in India has become a much in demand industry as it has great scope and above all it is not difficult to breed and rear them. The most important factor is that Rabbit Farming does not require much space.
Goat Farming in India has always been prevalent but was done by a small group mostly residing in rural areas. In urban areas it was done on an extremely small scale, more as a personal venture rather than a commercial one. It has gradually grown as one of the most financially viable live stock farming in India. Goat Farming in India provides valuable produce
Pig farming in India is a relatively new venture as farming of pigs on a commercial basis was not too popular among Indians. With the progressively changing times and requirement among the people for pig meat (Pork) and the use of other pig parts for different purposes has made it an extremely successful form of animal farming in India.
“Dogs are a Man’s Best Friend” The demand for dogs as pets has always been high but there has been an enormous growth in their demand in the recent years. Dog Breed Farming in India are therefore becoming one of the most popular pet business in India. Many different pedigreed dogs are being bred in kennels. Dog kennel business in India has therefore become a very fast growing sector.
Poultry Farming in India is not just limited to poultry farming but a wide variety of different bird species. Earlier in India people believed that bird farming was only about breeding and rearing chickens. Developed India and Indians have definitely changed the concept of Poultry Farming in India. The market for bird farming has exponentially grown with the demand for birds for both as pets as well as consumptions. Poultry Farming in India is now done on a completely different level. The exotic birds are farmed and breed to be sold as pets whereas chicken, quails, ducks, turkeys etc. are farmed for their meet and other produces.
The origins of Quail Farming on a commercial basis begin in Japan. Gradually it spread in different countries including in India. Quail Farming in India is soon becoming popular as quails are a highly adaptable bird species and the Indian climate is just right to raise them commercially Quails mature earlier than most birds and can lay eggs within 6-7 weeks of age; Quails can beeasily housed with other birds.
Turkey Farming in India is a new concept and is not native to India. Turkey Farming is mostly being promoted in southern India. As Turkey farming in India is in its Infancy state it needs great efforts for the farming rearing and breeding of these birds. Special attention to their care details need to be taken into consideration like adequate floor, water, feeder space to accommodate these large birds.
Poultry Farming in India also includes “Duck Farming” and it occupies in important position in India. Duck Farming in India is considered to be an easy to manage and profitable business then even poultry farming. Ducks can also be reared without water bodies like ponds, lakes etc. But Ducks do requires water for reproduction and mating. There are several different species of ducks.
Poultry Farming in India is one of the largest a commercially viable businesses. Poultry products provide high nutrition so they are unpopular demand. Poultry Farming generates quite a substantial income. “Chicken Farming in India” is solely done to provide meat”. The broiler chickens are raised for their meat. Special attention to their diet and upkeep is extremely essential.
”Love Birds Framing in India” is becoming popular and they are mainly reared and bred as pets. Love Birds are so named due to their bond with their mate. Love Birds Farming requires a large cage as these birds need a lot of space to fly about and exercise. The Love Birds Farmers or Breeders make large profits with the sale with these birds’ as pets.
Fish farming or pisciculture involves commercial breeding of fish. Fish Farming in India a done extensively and so India is the second largest fish producing country in the world. Indian fisheries and aqua culture are key food-producing sectors. Different species of Fish Katla; Rohu; Mrugal; Common Carp;Grass Carp; Silver Carp; are mainly farmed in coastal areas of India. Fish Farming in India generates a large income as well as providing employment as opportunities. As Fish is easily available in India and is considered to be “one of the least fatty foods” it is in great demand. Fish Farming in India is mostly done from the sea but with the gradual decrease in the fish harvest fish farming is fast becoming an extremely riskless and profitable venture. Fishes can easily be bred and rear in a man-made pond or man-made bodies of water. Fish Farming in India needs extra care for fishes to breed and to thrive and make it into an economically rewarding business.
Ornamental Fish Farming is a Successful Small Scale Aqua business in India. Ornamental fish keeping is becoming popular as an easy and stress relieving hobby. Fish Hatcheries provide the seed for aquaculture and some commercial fisheries. All kinds of fish and shellfish begin life in tanks in a fish hatchery. A hatchery is a mix of a laboratory and a farm, where fish and shellfish are spawned, then hatched and cared for. There are many benefits to fish farming. The government is providing interest-free loan facilities as well as concessions in water and electricity access to the fish farmers. Along with this, various subsidies and insurance schemes are also available from the government for Fish farmers. Ornamental fishes are in great demand and are kept in tanks in offices and homes as a sign of giving out Positive Energy and Prosperity.